Guilt is a strange emotion. I have felt guilt my entire life regarding the sexual abuse that occurred to me. I felt that I could have done something to stop it and I didn't. (One time I did stop him from having intercourse with me...but I let him do whatever he wanted after that) So I always told myself that I must have been a willing participant. This was coupled with..."it wasn't that bad...I must have enjoyed some of it" to complete my guilt.
As a result, I could never completely trust anyone's opinion of me because they, 'didn't know how bad I was' or 'didn't know my secrets'. So if someone said something nice to me...I didn't have to believe it. This, of course, is one of the many complications that is coming up with counseling. She pretty much knows she tells me I am good...what basis do I have to 'reject' her opinion? None...which means she has a lot of power that I have given her...which means...what if I am good? Do I even know who that person is? Who am I without my guilt?
My abuse started before the age of 8. That was always convenient so that I could tell myself I was not accountable for what happened. But then, it continued beyond the age of's where the guilt came in....
I would tell myself...I was a big girl...I knew what was happening was wrong...I should have said no. I obviously didn't (sometimes still don't) understand the power my abuser had over me. I was a sweet little girl that had no ability to say no. I grew up in a male dominated environment (4 brothers no sisters) and I had no reason to think that anyone would ask me to do anything that was wrong. But that darn old 'guilt' just keeps coming back....after all, I wouldn't feel guilty if I hadn't done something that was wrong, right?
So...I went through my youth as the 'goody goody' girl that didn't do anything wrong and everyone would tell me how wonderful I was...class president, always called at the last minute to give talks, etc....and I could never totally believe them when they would say nice things to/about me. I would tell myself I was putting on a pretty good front and no one would ever have to know my secrets, I was hiding them very well.
These feelings were easily carried into adulthood. I kept my secret and no one knew...well...I told my brother as a teenager...he was only a few years older than me and had no idea what to do with the he basically said nothing...I did tell a friend (she was always concerned about my 'perfectionism' and would tell me I was always too hard on myself) and she tried to down play it..."everyone plays around a little as kids" which kind of helped...but I knew my situation was I just kept it to myself and let my guilt fester. I am trying to deal with it...I realized a couple of weeks ago that I was just not forgiving myself. I was hanging on to that guilt like a good friend...and it was NOT a good was an anchor around my neck always bringing me fueled my running monologue that was doing a pretty good job of telling me I was not the valued daughter of my Heavenly Father that I wanted my children to it had to go.
I found an incredible talk by Elder Richard G Scott To Be Healed April Conference 1994. So many wonderful thoughts, "When you feel you can do no more, temporarily lay your challenges at His feet." " Don’t say, “No one understands me; I can’t sort it out, or get the help I
need.” Those comments are self-defeating. No one can help you without
faith and effort on your part.
Your personal growth requires that. Don’t look for a life
virtually free from discomfort, pain, pressure, challenge, or grief, for
those are the tools a loving Father uses to stimulate our personal
growth and understanding." He talks of getting blessings and trying to trust the Lord and others to help you. I decided to get a priesthood blessing.
My best friend has an incredible husband...granted..I did help them get together and did my best friend job of making sure he had a ring when he proposed, etc. But this is about to me...I asked for a blessing when I first realized I was going to need to deal with my abuse...and he was wonderful. I went back to him and asked for another...this time I was concerned about being able to forgive myself and accepting that there was no sin on my part involved with my abuse. (Now..I am not one of those that thinks you need a blessing for every little thing...and one of the best pieces of advice my other dear friend gave me once was to prepare to receive priesthood blessings. To pray and ask God to help you 'hear' what he wants to tell you and what he wants you to know. I feel this advice has been a huge help for me in becoming more receptive to the Spirit and receiving more inspiration and support from my Heavenly Father). He choked up as soon as he started, the Spirit was very strong in the room.
There are several things I will always remember about that blessing. One that will always stand out is when he blessed me to 'believe in Christ and to BELIEVE CHRIST'. I have pondered this phrase ever since. I have repeated it to myself when my negative monologue starts telling me I am no good. I have thought about the difference between believing in something and believing something. If I 'believe Christ' then I must believe the scriptures that talk about repentance and change. I must accept that I was not responsible for what happened and I am forgiven. Pretty heavy concept to spring on someone that has been protecting and nurturing her guilt for 40+ years. I can't say that I have it down yet...but I can say that I don't have that negative feeling in the pit of my stomach nearly as much as before..and when I recognize it is there I can make it leave.
I love the quote on my home page by President James E. Faust (The Refiner's Fire)...."Out of the refiner's fire can come a glorious is part
of the purging toll exacted by some to become acquainted with God."
I have no idea if I am 'out' of the refiner's fire...or if any of us ever will be..I do think we get a break every now and then...and I try to relish those breaks and gather strength for the next trial. I still struggle with guilt...I was told in counseling I have convinced my head...but not my heart...I believe that is where I am now...but that is not where I will stay...
The words of the prophets are true. We can find peace. We can place our guilt and other sins and negativity at the feet of our Savior and He will give us 'rest'. We must give our sins to Him. We must give Him our sorrows. We must do our part to love Him. I keep thinking of Elder Hollands fabulous talk October 2012 (The First Great Commandment) when he bore his testimony of his desire to stand before God and tell Him he loves him. When we can do this we will truly know peace. We will all be able to 'stand tall and breathe'. This is my goal and I know it is possible...I will keep trying until it happens.
My momma didn't raise no quitter :)
I was sexually abused as a child for several years...I married a man with a gay porn addiction...I have 5 children and I am divorced...My past will not define who I am.. I am a woman...I am LDS and this is my journey...
Out of the refiner's fire can come a glorious is part of the purging toll exacted by some to become acquainted with God. By James E. Faust
Friday, February 22, 2013
Guilt - I Believe in Christ, I Believe Christ!
child abuse,
priesthood blessings,
self esteem,
sexual abuse,
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